IMP Awards > Annual Awards > 2011 > Bravest Poster Nominees

2011 IMP Awards - Bravest Poster Nominees

The Conspirator
Though instantly recognizable, Abraham Lincoln is not quite what you could call a major box office draw at the movies these last few decades. However, he gets the star treatment while James McAvoy, Robin Wright, and Kevin Kline are nowhere to be seen.
The Descendants
George Clooney is pretty much the opposite of Tom Cruise when it comes to movie posters. The poster for this film is no exception. Although his face is indeed on this poster, it's mostly obscured as he has his head turned. Certainly not trying to cash in on his star power.
Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close
Tom Hanks and Sandra Bullock may get star billing but it's an unknown actor in his motion picture debut whose face fills up the poster.
Once again, we have some rather big name actors like Ben Kingsley, Jude Law, Christopher Lee, Chlo� Grace Moretz, Ray Winstone, and Sacha Baron Cohen MIA while a young actor (and admittedly the title character) gets all the recognition.
The Tree of Life
You have to squint your eyes to see the two stars on this one sheet. Even full-sized we only catch tiny glimpses of Brad Pitt and Sean Penn amidst all of the scenes from the movie.

and the winner is...


The award for Bravest Poster of the Year is awarded to the poster that does the best job of avoiding that overwhelming urge to plaster the faces of its big name actors everywhere. NOTE: Teasers and posters for films with a built-in audience (especially sequels) are typically not considered for this category.